Three jump challenge (Ins, Outs and German turns) by Ira Mikkanen

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This training challenge represents the kind of exercises I prefer, as mentioned in the article “Less course running, more specific skill training - Tips for better training”. This exercise requires only a few obstacles and it includes several options for practicing.

I recommend you do the exercises in the order shown in the video. However, if some of the exercises are too challenging for you at the moment, you can leave them out:

  1. Black numbers (blind cross)

  2. Blue numbers (German turn)

  3. Black numbers (this time with rear cross)

  4. Green numbers (different backsides)

  5. Red numbers (s-line in)

In the beginning of the video, there is an image that shows the line of the handler. Aim to stay on the centre line in all the exercises.

Black numbers:

  • Stay on the line between the obstacles. The line is marked in the first image of the video.

  • You can use blind crosses or rear crosses.

  • Black numbers represent a typical exercise for basic skills.

  • In blind crosses handler movement is pronounced. Make sure you have finished the blind cross when the dog jumps.

  • If the dog has challenges collecting on wider turns, lengthen the distance between obstacles. It often makes things easier.

  • Rear cross: Time your handling already from the first wrap. Please pay attention to jump 3: It’s important that the dog knows how to perform the jump straight, and turn tightly away from you. Before the exercise, make sure you have taught the dog all the required skills and he has the possibility to succeed in the task.

Blue numbers:

  • Stay on the line between the obstacles. The line is marked in the first image of the video.

  • Succeeding in this exercise requires the dog having independent backsides and basics of the German turn. In the German turn, it is essential that the dog doesn’t follow handler movement.

  • Please note! If needed, you can reinforce your dog’s tolerance of movement distraction by placing a reward on the landing spot.

  • The second German turn in the exercise: If you want to add challenge, you can place another obstacle next to the jump to test the skill. On the video, I have placed weaves there.

Green numbers

  • Stay on the line between the obstacles. The line is marked in the first image of the video.

  • Two first backsides: aim at not helping the dog next to the wing. Try to build independent skills.

  • Third backside: Please note that this backside differs from the other two. In the earlier backsides, the dog is outside the obstacle and the handler on the inside. In the last backside, the handler is on the outside and the dog on the inside. What verbals do you use to discriminate different backsides?

Red numbers

  • Stay on the line between the obstacles. The line is marked in the first image of the video.

  • After the wrap, give the dog a come to hand cue or another cue you use for bypassing an obstacle.

  • Ask the dog to perform an S-line in.