Extreme weave challenge

treenihaaste 2_2_2020.png

It’s time for another training challenge! This time it includes 3 exercises for weaves: two for entries, one for staying with the task. This set of exercises tests how well your dog listens to you and how independent his weaving skills actually are. 

You can do the challenge in a small space with just a few obstacles. You need:

  • two tunnels

  • one set of weaves

  • one jump

Performing weaves is quite hard for the dog’s body, so make sure you don’t do too many repetitions at a time. 

Exercise 1: Black squares

This exercise tests how well the dog stays with the weaves. Many dogs find it challenging to complete the task when there’s a wall or some other obstacle situated right after the weaves. 

If this task goes well when you run alongside the dog, add challenge by 

  1. staying behind, at the end behind jump 2

  2. moving the weaves closer to the tunnel

Exercise 2: White squares

Do this challenge before exercise 3 to add challenge to it. In this exercise, stay “below” the weaves all the time: send the dog to the tunnel and over the jump to the other tunnel. Then guide your dog to the weaves from the other side of the weaves. 

You can add challenge to this exercise by letting the dog find the entry to the weaves by himself.

Exercise 3: Black circles

This exercise is an extreme test of how well your dog actually listens to you, and how much he values the weaves. Especially after getting to run to the tunnel in exercise 2, this one can be a real challenge. If it’s too hard, move the tunnel entry further away, as far as is needed. Then move it back step by step. Add challenge by sending the dog to the tunnel once in a while.

Now that your dog knows how to find the weaves, even if they are next to a tunnel, let’s take the next step. Stay below the weaves, then send the dog to the tunnel (3) without moving to the other side of the weaves, layering them.

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