Dog walk exits - a training challenge by Becky Sinclair

The first training challenge in 2020 was designed by Becky Sinclair, UK!. This is a great way to test DW exit skills. Enjoy!

Becky Sinclair - training challenge - dog agility.png

So here’s my challenge!

There’s obviously lots of different ways to handle this! You could blind after the weaves 3-4 and then run with the dog on your right after 5 and try to push to 7 after DW.. or you could stay with the dog on the left and blind after DW to 7 instead of a threadle. You could then stay with the dog on your left for 8-9. Lots of options!

I would usually use my more experienced dog but he’s on winter break so this is my younger dog, Why - he’s Grade 4 in the UK (equivalent to A2 I think).

I really enjoyed setting this challenge- I hope you enjoy setting it up and running it!

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