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New features released!

A tool to count speed

This has been one of the most asked-for features, since there are so many countries where the speed is not directly in the results list. With the new tool, you can count the speed by inserting course length and the course time! Amazing, right? Now you can start using it!

Adding coach’s name to the training entries

Many of you have pointed out that it would be great to have a place where one could add the coach’s name in training sessions. Well, NOW you can :) The name will also be visible in the training sessions feed.

Additions to training categories

We’ve had some feedback on the training categories and that the list is missing some things. Now, based on the feedback, we’ve added three categories: foundations, trial practice and verbals. Verbals is added also to the “Reason for faults” categories in competition run section.

  1. Foundations

  2. Trial practice

  3. Verbals

New language - Italian!

Log out and log in again to see all new stuff.

Merry Christmas to all of you :)